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Asia Pacific University



亞太科技與大學 (APU) 是馬來西亞首屈一指的私立大學之一,其獨特的技術、創新和創造力的融合有效地將學生轉變為高素質、可就業和麵向未來的專業人士。 APU 通過在本地和國際層面贏得 400 多個著名獎項的成就,贏得了令人羨慕的屢獲殊榮的大學的聲譽。

APU 被宣佈為馬來西亞評級最高的新興大學之一,在高等教育部 (MOHE) 的最新 SETARA 評級下被評為 5 星(優秀評級)。 APU 在 2011 年、2013 年、2017 年以及 2020 年 12 月 18 日宣布的最新評級中連續保持這一優秀評級。SETARA 評級系統衡量馬來西亞大學的教學和學習表現。

APU 是馬來西亞第一所在 2021 年 11 月 1 日在 QS Apple 會議上頒發的最新 QS Stars Rating 獎項中獲得 5 Stars Plus 綜合評級的馬來西亞大學。5 Stars Plus 機構必須在所有類別中獲得 5 Stars 除了獲得QS STARS 的最低最高基準分數。 APU 是全球獲得這一榮譽的 19 所大學之一。

APU 在最新的 2022 年 QS 亞洲大學排名中名列前 10 名私立大學之列。APU 在國際學生排名前 3 名,在入境交流方面名列前 5 名,並且在 QS 國際教師大學中名列前 30 名。 APU 躋身 2022 年 QS 世界大學排名亞洲前 280 名大學之列。


有興趣想報名或了解更多的朋友請留個信息。您也可以通過其他方式聯繫以我們。 請立即與我們聯絡,了解更多資訊啦!




BA (Hons) in Business Management

BA (Hons) in Business Management with a Specialism in E-Business

BA (Hons) in Business Management with a Specialism in Digital Leadership

BA (Hons) in International Business Management

BA (Hons) Human Resource Management

BA (Hons) in Marketing Management

BA (Hons) in Marketing Management with a specialism in Digital Marketing

BA (Hons) in Tourism Management


Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical & Electronic Engineering with Honours

Bachelor of Engineering in Telecommunication Engineering with Honours

Bachelor of Engineering in Mechatronic Engineering with Honours

Bachelor of Computer Engineering with Honours

Bachelor of Petroleum Engineering with Honours



BSc (Hons) in Information Technology

BSc (Hons) in Information Technology with a Specialism in Information System Security

BSc (Hons) in Information Technology with a Specialism in Cloud Engineering

BSc (Hons) in Information Technology with a Specialism in Network Computing

BSc (Hons) in Information Technology with a Specialism in Mobile Technology

BSc (Hons) in Information Technology with a Specialism in Internet of Things (IOT)

BSc (Hons) in Information Technology with a Specialism in Digital Transformation

BSc (Hons) in Information Technology with a Specialism in Financial Technology (FINTECH)

BSc (Hons) in Information Technology with a Specialism in Business Information Systems

BSc (Hons) in Software Engineering

BSc (Hons) in Computer Science

BSc (Hons) in Computer Science with a Specialism in Data Analytics

BSc (Hons) in Computer Science with a Specialism in Digital Forensics

BSc (Hons) in Computer Science 
(Cyber Security)

Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons) (Intelligent Systems)

BSc (Hons) in Multimedia Technology

BSc (Hons) in Multimedia Technology with a Specialism in VR/AR

BSc (Hons) in Computer Games Development


Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Visual Effects

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Animation

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Digital Advertising

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Industrial Design



BA (Hons) in Accounting and Finance

BA (Hons) in Accounting and Finance with a Specialism in Forensic Accounting

BA (Hons) in Accounting and Finance with a specialism in Taxation

BA (Hons) in Accounting and Finance with a specialism in Internal Audit

Bachelor in Banking and Finance (Hons)

Bachelor in Banking and Finance (Hons) with a specialism in Investment and Risk Management

Bachelor in Banking and Finance (Hons) with a specialism in Financial Technology

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Actuarial Studies

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Actuarial Studies with a specialism in Data Analytics

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Actuarial Studies with a specialism in Financial Technology

ACCA Accelerate Programme


Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Psychology

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Media and Communication Studies

BA (Hons) in International Relations



Technology Park Malaysia 57000,
Bukit Jalil Kuala Lumpur,

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